The conference day was Wednesday 19th August,2009

The reports where chosen by the Scientific Committee chaired by dott prof Boris Neuybauer (D) and the conference session in Beijing was chaired by Mr. Jean Charles Le Masson(F).
You can read the text of a lecture, by clicking on the name of the speaker.
You can see the presentation (when available) by clicking on the title of the lecture.

In addition there where contributions to the IPRS meeting and to the International Forum on Education. They are also mentioned herebelow.

Gayer, Renate (D): New information technologies make it necessary to teach keyboarding already to children
Neue Informationstechnologien – wie E-Mail und Internet - machen es notwendig, effektives 10-Finger-Tastschreiben schon im Kindesalter zu erlernen.

―    Beginn des Erlernens - Zeitpunkt
―    Motivation
―    Konzentration
―    Schreib – und Lesekompetenz
―    Bessere Rechtschreibung
―    Haltungsschäden vermeiden
―    Verbesserung der Motorik und Erziehung zur Beidhändigkeit
―    Erhöhung der Gedächtnisleistung
―    Förderung der Kreativität
―    Förderung der Allgemeinbildung
―    Selbstständigkeit fördern
―    Selbstbewusstsein stärken
―    Recherchen im Internet leichter durchführen
―    Ergonomische und rationelle Gesichtspunkte
―    Wie erreiche ich die Schüler?

Kaneko, Tsuguo (J): Graphical shorthand in Asia (video format - needs QuickTime player)


Shorthand culture was introduced to Asia in 19th Century.American Pitman-Graham and Lindsley gave influence to Japanese and Chinese,which are Geometric systems too. Chinese Graphical Shorthand systems shows a nice flow, early time began with Geometric , then Half Cursive and Cursive, comparing with Japan.Korea had influence from Japan in Shorthand.These three cultures belong to Chinese character Culture. The reporter will show the Short History of Shorthand in Far East and Eastern Asia.

Kawahara, Tatsuya (J): Transcription system using automatic speech recognition for the Japanese parliament (Diet)
The House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament (Diet) is planning to introduce a new-generation transcription system, using automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies.  We have developed a speaker-independent ASR system, which can transcribe most of meetings with an accuracy of 85%.  The system adopts an open architecture based on an open-source ASR software Julius, which we have developed for more than 10 years, so the core modules such as a lexicon can be easily ported to other systems.  The post-editing software for correcting recognition errors and cleaning the verbatim transcripts is designed by stenographers.  The talk gives an overview of the transcription system, preceded by a brief review of the ASR technologies, and then reports the current status of the deployment and evaluations.

Kim Amwoo (Ko) - CAS Computer-aided Stenograph in Korea


Keller, Gregor (D): Public relations - Why do the organisations in Intersteno have to advertise?
Gute Öffentlichkeitsarbeit  ist weder Schönfärberei, noch Werbung. Unterschied zwischen Werbung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Warum müssen Organisationen Öffentlichkeitstarbeit betreiben. Was wir wie tun – das wird in der Öffentlichkeit bemerkt. Also auch was negativ geschieht. Unter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verstehen wir heute etwas anders als unsere Väter und Großväter. Weltumspannende Kommunikation ist heute selbstverständlich. Moderne PR hat viele Sparten, von der Pressemeldung bis zum Fernsehspot. Medienarbeit. PR-Konzeption. Bezug zur Interstenoarbeit.

Onana, Pius (Tz):Down-streaming job and business opportunities in Africa and enhancing capacity building in national institutions through computer-aided verbatim reporting


Yates, Karen (USA): Lessons learned: Practical experiences in online realtime education
The National Court Reporters Association has been engaged in formal programs of support and certification of court reporting education programs for more than 20 years. In recent years, these efforts have included assisting a growing number of physical, “brick and mortar” schools to expand into online (distance learning) programs as well as assisting in the start-up of new, online-only programs.

NCRA is currently engaged in an intensive, online pilot training program, called Total Immersion, in which an entirely new writing theory and educational approach are being tested to determine if the length of time needed to train realtime writers in machine stenography. At the time of the Congress, the Total Immersion Pilot will be in month five of this experiment.

In this presentation, we will summarize our experience and success factors in supporting quality education standards, seeking government investment in realtime education, expansion into online training, and experience to date in the Total Immersion Pilot Project.

Click here for the English version.
Prospect on the international progress of the Chinese stenography



Guan Baochang – Shao Jun (Cn): Analysis of relevant issues in speed typing Xiong Gaizhi Wu Zhonhming = Advocating Advanced Compound Talent of International Information Processing and Service Outsourcing -- Steno-translator
ZH text


Steno-translation is a kind of advanced international information processing, a classic outsourcing industry, and one of the main vectors of international service outsourcing. With the development of information technology and the industry, steno-translation has become more and more influential economically. From the operation mode to the industrial structure, the information technology greatly effective and the relevant IT industry becomes the motive power of the world economy. The new round of economic revolution makes us create a many highly qualifies talents for international information processing and service outsourcing, undertake orders from developed countries, spreading the world civilization with great power of world office.


Sun Huimin (Cn): Construct the vocational skills-based talents training model, facing the regional economic



Li Yude (Cn): Graphic Shorthand and computerized shorthand (was not presented do to illness of the speaker)


Li Yude (Cn): Using the changing value to compete together (was not presented do to illness of the spaker)

Conferences during the IPRS meeting



Hajdicsné Dr Varga Katalin (H): Male and female stenographers in the Hungarian parliament Verruso, Fabrizio Gaetano (I): Sicilian Parliament: between tradition and innovation. Shorthand vs. voice-transcription? A brief history in process. Click here for a summary version in English


Lee Kyungsik - Reporting tecniques at the National Assembly of Korea.
Click here for the English version.


The following report was not personally presented in Beijing, but they will be included in the final printed report which will be sent to all registered persons.

Gianni Lazzari (Co-authors:   Fabio Brugnara, Brian Martin) - FlyScribe: The world's first Transcription Portal based on voice recognition.

FlyScribe - the world’s first Web-based transcription service – was launched in 2008 to serve  the growing market for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Using the Transcribe™ ASR engine developed at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the service provides up to 95% accuracy for many fields, including government, journalism, medical, courts, and law offices. In fact, FlyScribe can introduce new recognition models for specialized topics in just days. Currently available for use with Italian, English, and Spanish, additional languages can be developed within a few months.
The service has introduced features that increase transcription accuracy and simplify revision. For example, FlyScribe transcription offers localization (regional data) and personalization (a list of words created by the user). Moreover, FlyScribe’s multichannel solution provides exceptional accuracy even with simultaneous speakers. And automatic punctuation is available for any language. Finally, FlyScribe’s proprietary XML format keeps audio and text synchronized while the user advances with a foot switch and works in a familiar word processing environment.


Tsuguo Kaneko (J) - Shorthand education in Japan
Gian Paolo Trivulzio (I) - Facing the changes in the reporting field

Call of papers and criteria for the conference day in Beijing. 

Please use for any communication on this subject.