The conferences took place at the Schulzentrum - Längenfeldgasse
Doktor Wolfgang Behm - President

Simultaneous translation in English and German was on duty.

A special session of the IPRS group, took place on Sunday 24th at 9.00 at the same location. Please refer to IPRS menu on this web site.

You can read the text of a lecture, by clicking on the name of the speaker.

You can see the presentation (when available) by clicking on the title of the lecture.

Dienstag 26 July - Tuesday 26th July - Mardi, 26 Juillet - Martedì 26 luglio

Past and future.Vergangenheit und Zukunft.

Wolfgang Behm

Cees van Beurden


Intersteno Scientific Committee

Gregor Keller - Darmstadt (D)

50 Jahre Intersteno.- Erfolgreiche Vergangenheit: Grundlage für die Zukunft.

50 years of Intersteno. The succesfull past and the beginning of the future.

Linda Drake - NVRA (Usa)

The future of the reporting profession.

Gianni Lazzari - ITRS - Trento (I)  

Spoken Language technologies: recent advances and future challenges.

Spoken language technologies: Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und zukunftige Herausforderungen

Gerald Waldschitz, Philips - Wien (A)

Diktier- und Wiedergabe-Software; Spracherkennungsentwicklung.

Software for dictation and transcription; improvements in speech recognition.

Teachers and e-teaching. Klassische Ausbildung und e-learning .

Hajdicsné Varga Katalin (H)

Die Rolle der Stenographieunterricht im Aufbewahrung der Rechtsschreibung

The role of shorthand learning in preserving good writing's ability.

Erich Schmidt-  Wien (A)

Probleme Blinder im Umgang mit dem PC

Problems of Blind people in using computer.  

MAS Angela Pekovics - Wien (A)

Ergonomie in Schulen - Ergonomy in schools

Hans te Maarssen - (NL)

The YogiType keyboard -  "Die YogiType-Tastatur."

Jaroslav Zaviacic - Interinfo Czèk Republic - (CZ)

Die tschechische Staatsprüfung aus der Textverarbeitung als Alternative zur ECDL. The Czech State examination in wordprocessing as alternative to ECDL.

Phillip A. Kaufman - Voice-ED (USA)

Realtime voice-writing education.

Echtzeit Ausbildung in spracherkennungsgestützter Protokollierung

Jan den Holder - (NL)

Aspects of minute-taking as a profession: who takes minutes - where, why and how?

Aspekte der berufsmäßigen Protokollführung: wer protokolliert -- wo, warum und wie?

The reporting activity. Die Tätigkeit des Berichtens .

Umberto Lenzi - Telitor (USA)

Multimedia and multilanguage reporting systems.

Mark Golden -  NCRA - (USA)

(click here for German version)

State of the reporting profession in the United States

Die gegenwaertige Lage des Gerichtsstenographen/Stenographischen Reporter Berufes in den Vereinigten Staaten.

John Wenclawski - Stenograph - (USA)

What's new in stenotype?

Mittwoch 27 July - Wednesday 27th July, Mercredi 27 Juillet, Mercoledì 27 luglio      

Monika Meyer - Wiener Parliament (A)

Ausser Protokoll - Heiteres aus dem Parlamentsallatag
Off the record - Merry tales about daily work in parliament

Tammy Johnson - ProCAT - (USA)

How I am using speech technology to benefit our deaf and hard of hearing community.

Matthias Kuhn - Boris Neubauer (D)  

Computer-aided generation of stenographics - Graphic shorthand patterns for printing

Computer-gestützte Erzeugung von Stenografik - Druckvorlagen grafischer Kurzschrift

Chad Theriot - Audioscribe (USA)

Subtitling with speech recognition. (demo)

International partners. International Partners.

Tang Keliang, Director of Beijing Stenography Association

Stenography in China. Today and the development

Pius Onana (Tanzania)

Computer-aided transcription: a golden opportunity and a springboard for the achievement of the millennium goals

Wolfgang Behm

Conclusions - Schlussbemerkungen